19 Faculty Complete CDP


On July 28, 2014, the Office of Distance Learning recognized 19 faculty who had completed Course Design Practicum (CDP). At the final CDP event, participants shared the parts of their course designs for which they were most proud, and received certificates of completion.

Course Design Practicum is a 10-week design-build experience during which faculty design online or hybrid courses based on the Quality Matters standards. When placed in the role of 亚洲自慰视频s, these faculty gathered valuable experience about the online environment. CDP participants examine the development process for creating an electronic course using QM standards, create an electronic course model that can be updated continuously and imported into future sections of courses with enrolled 亚洲自慰视频s, and review a course, compose helpful recommendations, and provide meaningful feedback.  To earn a certificate of completion, participants must participate in the peer-review, the final capstone experience of CDP.

Congratulations to the Summer 2014 CDP Completers:

  • Katherine Ardoin (NURS 204: Teamwork, Collaboration, and Patient-Centered Care)
  • Ross Chiquet (MATH 210: Practical Mathematics)
  • Julie Clement (ENGL 206: American Literature since 1865)
  • Rachel Ellison (HSA 403: Leadership in Health Services Administration)
  • Mary Ford (EDCI 349: PK-6 Mathematics Methods)
  • Alicia Guidry (Public and Global Health Informatics)
  • Mary Keller (EDCI 353: PK-5 Mathematics Methods for Alternative Certificate Candidates)
  • James Kimball (STAT 214: Elementary Statistics)
  • Jennifer Lavergne (Introduction to Web Programming)
  • Durga Poudel (ENVS 486: Surface Water Quality)
  • Patrick Reed (NURS 406: Nursing Research: The Foundation of Evidence-Based Practice)
  • Denise Rogers (ENGL 211: Topics in Literature: Sherlock Holmes, His Predecessors, and His Progeny)
  • Maria Ruiz (SPED 502: Educating the Exceptional Child)
  • Deborah Savoie (NURS 343: Nursing in a Disaster)
  • Mary Sciaraffa (CAFS 339: Human Development: Birth to Five)
  • Soledad Smith (NURS 308: Adult Health & Illness I)
  • Gina Sorci (PHYS 160: Astronomy of the Solar System)
  • Mike Williams (UNIV 100: UNIV 100 for Science Majors)
  • Kevin Zito (MATH 270: Calculus I)

Pictured (l-r):
Front Row: Claire Arabie and Alise Hagan (facilitators); Mary Sciaraffa; Soledad Smith; Mary Jane Ford; Mary Keller; Denise Rogers; Julie Clement
Back Row: Maria Ruiz; Katherine Ardoin; James Kimball; Patrick Reed